The 2012 PEER Annual Meeting is being hosted this week at the Hotel Shattuck Plaza in Berkeley from Friday, October 26 – Saturday, October 27, 2012. Practicing professionals, faculty, students and others interested in earthquake engineering are encouraged to attend.
The 2012 PEER Annual Meeting Program is now posted. The meeting will open on Friday, October 26th with an overview of recent and ongoing PEER research programs by Director Stephen Mahin. Friday’s concurrent sessions will cover high-performance structures, transportation structures, simulation/analysis, dams/levees, as well as a two-session track for practitioners that is intended to serve as a researcher and practitioner idea exchange. The day will conclude with an evening reception where a variety of graduate student researchers working on PEER funded projects, as well as the 2012 PEER undergraduate summer interns, will use posters to informally present their research progress and results.
On Saturday, the meeting will continue with working meetings for several PEER research programs and will conclude around 3 pm.
For more information, visit the 2012 PEER Annual Meeting website