Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) has continuing funding from the State of California related to the seismic performance of transportation systems. To optimally use these funds, PEER Research Committee solicits proposals through the RFP process, usually issued in Fall. Please check the link "Request For Proposals" in the menu to see active and past RFPs.

The purpose of the PEER TSRP is to reduce the impacts of earthquakes on California’s transportation systems, including highways and bridges, port facilities, high speed rail, and airports. We expect that the research will utilize and extend PEER performance based earthquake engineering methodologies, integrating fundamental knowledge, enabling technologies, and systems. We further expect that the research program will integrate seismological, geotechnical, structural, hydrodynamic and socio-economical aspects of earthquake and tsunami engineering, and involve theoretical, computational, experimental and field investigations. The program also encourages vigorous interactions between practitioners and researchers.