The Consortium of Organization for Strong Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) will hold its Annual Meeting and Technical Session at the Crowne Plaza Hotel San Francisco Airport in Burlingame, California, on Friday, November 18, 2016. This year’s technical session theme is “Moving Toward Site-Specific Ground-Motion Hazard”.
The morning session will consist of presentations on COSMOS/USGS/CGS joint activities, the updated ANSS strategic plan, new available data sets from South America and PEER, important new changes to ASCE 7-16 requiring more site specific ground motions and new limitations on their development, updates on the Project 17, and the PEER PSHA Validation Project.
The afternoon session will feature presentations on the PEER Directivity Project and recommendations on performing hazard analysis with directivity, use of data sets to constrain path effects, integrating ground motion recordings into site-specific amplification functions, use of 3-D simulations in developing design ground motion hazards, and trade-offs between aleatory and epistemic uncertainty.
Speakers will include Alan Yong, Hamid Haddadi, Brad Aagard, Ruben Boroschek, Silvia Mazzoni, Charlie Kircher, Ron Hamburger, Christie Hale, Yousef Bozorgnia, Jennifer Donahue, Nico Kuehn, Christine Goulet, Kioumars Afshari, and Nick Gregor.
Program details and registration information for the COSMOS Annual Meeting and Technical Session are available at the COSMOS website at