PEER Annual Meeting 2020 Speaker Bio: Principal Consultant, Sharyl Rabinovici Consulting. Sharyl Rabinovici is a researcher and policy entrepreneur in the natural disaster risk reduction space. Trained in both environmental science (BS, ‘97, Stanford) and public policy (MPP ‘00 University of Chicago, PhD, ’12 UC Berkeley), Dr. Rabinovici’s work spans the spectrum, from behavioral research and risk assessment to solution design, product development, stakeholder engagement and program evaluation. As an independent consultant since 2014, she orchestrates interdisciplinary research projects to understand what moves individuals, organizations, and jurisdictions forward in managing their risk exposure. She served seven years as a Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute's Northern California Chapter, three years as a Board member of the US Resiliency Council, and is currently a Visiting Researcher with UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering for PEER.
Updated January, 2020