Lomonaco, Pedro

PEER Annual Meeting 2023 Speaker Bio: Dr. Pedro Lomonaco is the Director of the Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory at Oregon State University as well as Teaching Faculty of Coastal Infrastructures for the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at OSU. He has over 30 years of experience with the academy and the industry on theoretical and applied research studies of physical modelling of waves, current and wind-structure interactions. He has co-authored more than 100 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings, and has prepared more than 60 technical reports of national and international projects and studies. His professional and scientific activity primarily deals with studies of physical and numerical modelling of wave generation and propagation, wave-structure interaction, stability of coastal and submarine structures, behavior of floating structures, characterization of wave energy converters, offshore wind technology, hydrodynamics, scour protection, and non-linear behavior of long-waves in shallow waters. Updated July 2023.