Two Projects Awarded from PEER TSRP RFP 24-01

January 21, 2025

PEER has continuing funding from the State of California related to the seismic performance of transportation systems. This funding supports the Transportation Systems Research Program (TSRP), the purpose of which is to lessen the impacts of earthquakes on the transportation systems of California, including highways and bridges, port facilities, high-speed rail, airports, and other related structures.

In Fall 2024, The PEER Research Committee solicited proposals for one-year projects related to 5 specific topics: Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Tsunami Engineering, Fire Engineering, Sensors and Data.

[Needs Edits: A total of 15 proposals were received in response to this RFP. Each of the TSRP proposals received three independent reviews from the pool of reviewers. Based on pre-defined evaluation criteria specified in the RFPs and factors such as the level of engagement with the PEER core institutions, two new projects were awarded, comprising a total funding of $750,000.]

PEER thanks all the PIs who submitted proposals, and the efforts and detailed feedback from the reviewers. Details of the funded projects are provided below.

PEER Extends Projects for the following TSRP Funded Projects:

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PEER has continuing funding from the State of California related to the seismic performance of transportation systems. This funding supports the Transportation Systems Research Program (TSRP), the purpose of which is to lessen the impacts of earthquakes on the transportation systems of California, including highways and bridges, port facilities, high-speed rail, airports, and other related structures. In Fall 2024, The PEER Research Committee solicited proposals for one-year projects related to 5 specific topics: Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Tsunami Engineering, Fire Engineering, Sensors and Data. [Needs Edits: A total of 15 proposals were received in response to this RFP. Each of the TSRP proposals received three independent reviews from the pool of reviewers. Based on pre-defined evaluation criteria specified in the RFPs and factors such as the level of engagement with the PEER core institutions, two new projects were awarded, comprising a total funding of $750,000.] PEER thanks all the PIs who submitted proposals, and the efforts and detailed feedback from the reviewers. Details of the funded projects are provided below.

Jeffrey Berman

Topic 2, Framework of Identifying Shear
Project Title: NEED

PI: Jeffrey Berman, University of Washington
Co PI: Marc Eberhard, University of Washington

Topic 2 - Forward uncertainty quantification; Project Title: Probabilistic Regional Seismic Risk Assessment of a Los Angeles Bridge Network using a New Generation of Fragility Functions PI: Henry Burton, UCLA; Co-PIs / Collaborators: Yazhou Xie, McGill University, Ibbi Almufti, ARUP, Jamie Padgett, Rice University

Topic 2 - Forward uncertainty quantification; Project Title: Regional Scale Simulation of Uncertain Responses of Transportation Infrastructure Soil- Structure Systms PI: Boris Jeremic, UC Davis; Co-PIs / Collaborators: Norm Abrahamson, UC Berkeley

Topic 6 - Going beyond earthquakes; Project Title: Cascading Seismic and Tsunami Loads for the Design of Open Wharves; PI: Andre Barbosa, Oregon State University; Co-PIs / Collaborators: Claudia Reis, Oregon State University

Topic 3 - Cost effective instrumentation and data collection; Project Title: Informing Predictions from Above with Community Data from Below: A Hierarchical AI Ground Failure Model for Rapid Response and Simulation; PI: Brett Maurer, University of Washington

Topic 3 - Cost effective instrumentation and data collection; Project Title: Next Generation Liquefaction Susceptibility Database: Expansion of the Laboratory Component to Leverage Pacific Northwest Soils; PI: Armin Stuedlein, Oregon State University

Topic 2 - Forward uncertainty quantification

Project Title: Bayesian Inference for Mechanics-based Digital Twinning of Bridges
PI: Hamed Ebrahimian, University of Nevada, Reno

Topic 2 - Forward uncertainty quantification; Project Title: Stochastic Simulator-based Uncertainty Quantification for Seismic Responses of Bridges
PI: Ziqi Wang, UC Berkeley
Co-PIs / Collaborators: Marco Broccardo, University of Trento

DeJongTopic 3 - Cost effective instrumentation and data collection; Project Title: Performance Monitoring of Centennial Bridge
PI: Matthew DeJong, UC Berkeley
Co-PIs / Collaborators: Laura Lowes, University of Washington

Topic 3 - Cost effective instrumentation and data collection; Project Title: Next Generation Liquefaction Susceptibility Database and Modelling; PI: Jonathan P. Stewart, UCLA; Co-PIs / Collaborators: Scott J. Brandenberg, UCLA

Topic 5 - Social vulnerability and disparities in seismic risk and impacts; Project Title: Community Sentiment Analysis for Identifying Social Vulnerability Following Earthquakes; PI: Sifat Muin, USC; Co-PI / Collaborator: Kristina Lerman, USC