The future of earthquake engineering is bright and was well represented by PEER Core institutions at the recent EERI Annual Meeting, March 7-10, 2017, held in Portland, Oregon.
Nasser Marafi (Ph.D candidate, University of Washington) and Christine Beyzaei (Ph.D candidate, UC Berkeley), were recipients of EERI/FEMA NEHRP Graduate Fellows in Earthquake Hazard Reduction.
Lizzie Blaisdell Collins, Director of Engineering at Build Change, and UC Berkeley alumna, received the Shah Family Innovation Prize.
Barbara Simpson, recipient of EERI’s 2016 Graduate Student Paper Award for “Reducing Concentrations of Inelastic Demand with a Strongback,” explains the improved behavior of this braced frame system. Barbara is a Ph.D candidate at UC Berkeley.
One of the features of the EERI Annual Meeting is the Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition, where student teams from around the world subject their balsa wood tower models to a shaking table.
The Stanford team earned Second place in the competition.
The UC Berkeley team, represented by 29 members (nearly half were freshmen), received the “Spirit of the Competition Award” for their outreach and assistance to other teams.

Stanford SDC Team

UC Berkeley STC Team
See a few videos of shaking table tests of models from UCLA, UC San Diego, and UC Berkeley.
Additional awards received by PEER Colleagues were:
- • 2015 Outstanding Earthquake Spectra Paper – Khalid Mosalam & Selim Gunay,
for “Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames with
Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls Considering In-Plane/Out-of-Plane
Interaction” - • George W. Housner Medal – Chris Poland
- • EERI Alfred E. Alquist Special Recognition Award – Chris Rojahn
- • EERI Honorary Memberships – Ashraf Habibullah and Anil Chopra
- • Bruce Bolt Medal – Farzad Naeim
Congratulations to all!