Discovering OpenSees Series: “Parallel & Grid Computing” on May 31 & June 1

The next seminar in the web-based Discovering OpenSees: Surfing the waves of OpenSees learning series will occur on May 31 and June 1. The session will be broadcast twice at times that will allow users in all time zones around the world to participate. This 1-hour session is titled "Parallel & Grid Computing" and will occur on May 31 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time & on June 1 at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

This seminar will provide a brief introduction to Parallel and Grid Computing with OpenSees using the resources made available to users through NEEShub.

This seminar covers:

  • – Introduction to Parallel & Grid Computing
  • – Parallel Computing With OpenSees
  • – Running Parallel Examples on NEEShub
  • – Grid Computing Using Pegasus, the Open Science Grid and OpenSees
  • – Q&A with web participants

Past Discovering OpenSees Seminars – how to find past seminar recordings

For more information about the Discovering OpenSees Series including previous presentation slides, video recordings, and topics, visit the Discovering OpenSees Wiki page.

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