Date: April 10-13, 2012
Location: Peabody Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee
With the theme of “Learning from the Past to Protect the Future,” the conference, a joint program with the National Earthquake Conference, commemorates the 200th anniversary of the historic series of strong earthquakes that struck the New Madrid seismic zone in late 1811 and early 1812. It will feature many lessons from recent and historic earthquakes that are applicable to the practice of U.S. professionals. The meeting is jointly hosted by EERI and the FEMA regional earthquake consortia*, and will consist of both plenary and concurrent sessions to ensure an abundance of offerings for engineers, scientists, emergency managers, and policymakers
The meeting venue is the historic Italian Renaissance-style Peabody Hotel, built in 1925 and designated as one of the top 10 grand hotels in the U.S. by Christopher Reynolds of the Los Angeles Times. It's a short walk to the live music of Beale Street and a short drive to Graceland and the National Civil Rights Museum.
* The FEMA consortia consists of the Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC), the Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC), the Northeast States Emergency Consortium (NESEC), and the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup (CREW).