PEER Research Project Highlight: "Informing Predictions from Above with Community Data from Below: A Hierarchical AI Liquefaction Model for Rapid Response and Simulation"

November 14, 2023

The impact of a PEER funded research project "Informing Predictions from Above with Community Data from Below: A Hierarchical AI Liquefaction Model for Rapid Response and Simulation" is highlighted below. The project Principal Investigator (PI) is Brett Maurer, University of Washington. The Research Team includes Morgan Sanger, University of Washington.

Download the Research Project Highlight which includes the abstract (PDF)

Research Impact:

PEER has heavily invested in tools for improved earthquake simulation, planning, and rapid response (e.g., in the context of bridges and transportation corridors). This project will significantly advance our capacity to simulate liquefaction impacts, which has received less attention in the context of regional and near-real-time predictions. The proposed model has immediate applications including: (i) regional loss estimation and disaster simulation; (ii) city planning and policy development; and (iii) emergency response and reconnaissance, given that the model will have near-real-time prediction capabilities. Beyond these impacts, the research will grow the use of AI to predict subsurface conditions, which has many other applications.

Figure. Synopsis of the approach to predict probability of liquefaction-induced ground failure.