Save the date! NGA-West2 Preliminary Results Workshop on November 15, 2012

The first public workshop for PEER's NGA-West2 program will take place at UC Berkeley on November 15th.  This workshop will highlight and share the findings that have developed from the project team over the last 2 years, including the preliminary ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs), updated ground motion database, and results from other research tasks.  Researchers, practitioners, and any other interested parties are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Date: Thursday, November 15, 2012
Location: Auditorium in Room 310, Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS Building), University of California, Berkeley. Directions.
Registration: This one-day workshop is free, but advanced registration is required.  Register now.

More information including the full workshop program will be released to the NGA-West2 Preliminary Results Workshop web page as it becomes available.

The NGA-West 2 project was funded by the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), to improve Next Generation Attenuation models for active tectonic regions such as Western US. During the multi-year, multidisciplinary project, the NGA-West 2 research teams have addressed several important issues in earthquake engineering, including updating a very comprehensive database of ground motions; modeling of directivity and directionality; update of NGA-West models using recent small, moderate and large magnitude events; scaling of GMPEs for different levels of damping; and evaluation of soil amplification factors in NGA models versus NEHRP site factors. More information about the project can be found at the NGA-West2 website.