Barbato, Michele

Michele Barbato2025 PEER Annual Meeting Speaker Bio: Dr. Michele Barbato is a Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis, Director of the UC Davis Climate Adaptation Research Center, and Director of the CITRIS Climate Initiative. He is a licensed PE in Louisiana and in Italy. He is an expert in both traditional and innovative construction methodologies and materials, and in performance-based methodologies for multihazard applications. He is the author of more than 200 technical publications. He received several research awards, including the 2009 ASCE Moisseiff award, the 2011 European Association of Structural Dynamics Junior Research Prize, the 2020 Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, and the 2023 UC Davis Chancellor’s Innovator of the Year Award, as well as numerous teaching and service awards. He is a Fellow of SEI, EMI, and ASCE, and vice-president of EMI. Updated February 2025.