Soon after the South Napa Earthquake in August 2014, PEER responded to NBC News and provided resource information that led to a broadcast report about unexpected seismic risks in California public schools that aired in February 2015. Assembly member Bill Dodd (District 4 which includes parts of Napa County, CA) is proposing new seismic legislation in Assembly Bill (AB) 1783, and says that the report was the “impetus for the bill…because we were very concerned.”
The proposed legislation in AB-1783 would for the first time require school districts to inspect the contents of classrooms and school equipment, and fix seismic hazards.
Earlier this week, NBC News released an updated broadcast report that provides more detail about their investigation.
See related news stories that aired in 2014 and 2015:
• Lessons Learned from the Napa Quake (Sept 25, 2014)
• Unexpected Quake Risks in California Public Schools (Feb 6, 2015)
• Tightening the Earthquake Safety Rules for Private Schools (Oct 1, 2015)