NEES and PEER hosted OpenSeesDays 2010 at UC Berkeley's Richmond Field Station. Over 95 students, researchers, and practitioners attended the two day event held on September 2nd and 3rd. As one attendee stated "I found this workshop so helpful and hope to attend again next year. My understanding of the logic behind OpenSees has greatly increased and my confidence in figuring out my research has greatly grown."
The first day of the workshop was a hands-on workshop intended for beginning and intermediate users, where attendees were introduced to the tcl scripting language, and basic modeling and analysis techniques using OpenSees.
The second day of the workshop was intended for more advanced users and introduced them to more advanced capabilities of OpenSees as well as the new OpenSeesLaboratory tool at NEEShub. It also included demonstrations of the GUI's under development for OpenSees, including BuildingTcl and OS Navigator.
The presentation material from the event is available at
posted November 04, 2010