Senior Research Fellow Appointment in Mechanical and Civil Engineering at the California Institute of Technology

Applicants are invited for a 3-year Senior Research Fellow (research faculty) appointment in the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The successful candidate will assist in the development of a new mems-based seismic network to be densely deployed in urban areas, including buildings. Successful candidates must have a PhD and extensive knowledge of seismic networks and seismic data analysis. Knowledge of building vibrational dynamics is highly desirable. The successful applicant must also have a demonstrated excellence in basic research. Interested candidates should submit an application consisting of the following; 1) A letter of application formally expressing interest in the position; 2) An up-to-date curriculum vitae; 3) Copies of three recent peer-reviewed publications; 4) A list of at least four individuals, including addresses and affiliations, who can provide a letter of reference.

The deadline for application is 19 November 2010. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Applications can be sent by mail or email to:

Prof. Thomas Heaton
MS 104/44
Dept. of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA, 91126 sends e-mail)

Caltech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

posted October 22, 2010