The City of Long Beach (City) covers approximately 52 square miles on the coast of Southern California. It is the second largest city in Los Angeles County and the seventh largest in the State. Through its various departments, the City works to enrich the community with projects that build on the City’s goals to eliminate blight, balance new development with historic structures and neighborhoods, promote neighborhood improvement, and provide a safe place to live, work, and play.
Currently, the City is undergoing a renaissance of development projects. With the changing complexity of structural design, it may become increasingly difficult for developers/owners to anticipate modifications in building codes and design specifications. To provide an independent, objective, and technical review of a project, the City seeks to develop a pre-approved list of Peer Reviewers to serve on Peer Review Panels. A Peer Reviewer is a registered design professional or academician that has technical expertise in the fields of structural engineering, earthquake engineering research, performance-based earthquake engineering, nonlinear dynamic response analysis, tall building design, earthquake ground motion, geotechnical engineering, and/or geological engineering. The purpose of the Peer Review Panel is to enhance public safety through an independent verification that determines if the design generally conforms to the requirements set forth by the City’s Building Official.
The Building Official will determine the projects that will require independent structural design review. The Peer Review Panel will provide an independent, objective, and technical review of certain aspects of the structural design and analysis of a project.
For more specific information, please see “Information Bulletin BU-053 Qualification and Selection of Peer Reviewers.”