PEER Seminars: TBI Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Tall Buildings Version 2

Tall Building Initiative Seminar Information

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PEER is partnering with the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) Foundation and the Structural Engineers Association of Washington (SEAW) to co-host seminars to introduce the PEER-managed Tall Buildings Initiative project “TBI Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Tall Buildings, Version 2.03.”

This seminar will highlight revisions incorporated into Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Report No. 2017/06: “Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Tall Buildings, Version 2.03,” prepared by a TBI Working Group led by co-chairs Ron Hamburger and Jack Moehle, with contributions from Jack Baker, Jonathan Bray, C.B. Crouse, Greg Deierlein, John Hooper, Marshall Lew, Joe Maffei, Stephen Mahin, James Malley, Farzad Naeim, Jonathan Stewart, and John Wallace.

These guidelines present a recommended alternative to the prescriptive procedures for seismic design of buildings contained in the ASCE 7 standard and the International Building Code (IBC). Properly executed, these Guidelines are intended to result in buildings that are capable of reliably achieving or exceeding the seismic performance objectives intended by ASCE 7, and in some aspects where specifically noted for Risk Categories II, III, and IV. The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center published a first edition of these Guidelines in 2010 in response to the growing use of alternative performance-based approaches for seismic design of tall buildings. Newly released Version 2.03 addresses new knowledge including lessons learned in application of the first edition on many projects.

Seminar participants can receive a copy of the presentations as well as a hardcopy of the updated Guidelines.


The intended audience includes structural engineers and building officials engaged in seismic design and review of tall buildings. Attendees will receive 4 PDHs.

SEMINAR PROGRAM (12:30pm – 5pm)

Jack Moehle, UC Berkeley

Seismic Hazard and Geotechnical
Jonathan Stewart, UCLA (SF & LA)
CB Crouse, AECOM (Seattle)

Structural Modeling
Greg Deierlein, Stanford University

Acceptance Criteria
Ron Hamburger, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

Case Studies
John Hooper, Magnusson Klemencic Associates

Additional Considerations
Jack Moehle, UC Berkeley