Next Generation Attenuation Models NGA
This page contains the reports and files for the five NGA models developed for the project by Boore-Atkinson, Campbell-Bozorgnia, Chiou-Youngs, Idriss, and Abrahamson-Silva. It also includes a zip file of the NGA ground motion prediction equations released in March 2010.
NGA Flatfile Used for Development of NGA Models
This flat file contains an archive of the ground motion records used for the development of the NGA models.
Latest PEER Strong Ground Motion Database
This database is a growing repository of ground motion records that is constantly evolving as new records are added.
Earthquake Spectra Issue about NGA
The February 2008 issue (Volume 24, Issue 1) of the earthquake engineering journal, Earthquake Spectra is dedicated to research papers about the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) models. This listing shows the manuscripts included in the issue with their abstracts and provides links to the full-text versions for those who have access to Earthquake Spectra Online. For more information about Earthquake Spectra and how to gain access to the EQS articles, see the EERI Earthquake Spectra website. Earthquake Spectra is published by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
News: NGA Awarded Outstanding Earthquake Spectra Paper of 2008
The EERI Board of Directors has selected the paper, "Comparisons of the NGA Ground-Motion Relations," Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 24, No. 1, February, 2008, pp. 45-66, by Norman Abrahamson, Gail Atkinson, David Boore, Yousef Bozorgnia, Kenneth Campbell, Brian Chiou, I.M. Idriss, Walter Silver, and Robert Youngs, as an Outstanding Earthquake Spectra Paper of 2008. This work was funded by the PEER Center as a part of the "Next Generation of Ground-Motion Attenuation Models" (NGA) Program for the Western United States.
NGA Project - Meeting Notes, Presentations, Workshops, Documentations
This is a listing of documentation that provides supplemental, supporting information for the NGA modeling procedures and values. It also contains an archive of presentations from workshops conducted during the project.