Registration now open for 2012 COSMOS Technical Session on November 16

The Consortium of Organization for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) will be holding its Annual Meeting and Technical Session at the Hilton Garden Inn in Emeryville, California, on Friday, November 16th.

The topic for this year's Technical Session is "Issues Associated with Adjusting NGA Ground Motion Predictive Equations for Directivity and Fling, and Short-Term Impacts of Serious Aftershocks on Building Code Ground Motions." This year's Technical Session is again being co-sponsored by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center (PEER) and the California Geological Survey (CGS).

Registration information is at the COSMOS Website.

The Hilton Garden Inn is conveniently located at 1800 Powell Street, one block west of the I-80 Freeway. Also, there is a complimentary bus (called Emery Go-Round) that runs from the MacArthur BART Station to the Hilton Garden Inn (see for schedule details). Check-in for the Technical Session will begin at 7:30 AM (with coffee and pastries). The Technical Session will begin promptly at 8:30 AM and with a lunch break at 11:45 AM. The COSMOS Annual Meeting will start at 12:15 PM and adjourn around 1:00 PM. The Technical Session will then reconvene and end at 5:00 PM. As in previous years, it will then be followed by a no-host cocktail hour.