The Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) of the California Geological Survey will host a one-day seminar on the utilization of strong-motion data at the Secretary of State Auditorium in Sacramento on Tuesday, October 2, 2012.
The goals of the SMIP annual seminar are to (1) increase the utilization of strong-motion data in improving post-earthquake response, seismic code provisions and design practices; and (2) transfer recent research findings on strong-motion data to practicing seismic design professionals and earth scientists. This year the seminar will include research results on seismic design of nonstructural components, on soil-structure interaction, on dampings in buildings, on computer models for seismic response of buildings, and on wave propagation and site effects in the Humboldt Bay area. Presentations on the extensive instrumentation and ambient data from a 62-story building in San Francisco, on seismic safety and instrumentation of hospital buildings, and on the construction of the Bay Bridge East Span will also be included in the seminar.
The Seminar Program and the Registration Form are available at the SMIP12 Seminar website.