Subsurface data for Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (TSMIP) stations are now available in electronic form via the Engineering Geological Database for TSMIP (EGDT), a joint effort between the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) and the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) in Taiwan.
Between 2000 and 2010, NCREE completed site characterization, comprising of surface investigations and suspension PS-logging, at 469 strong-motion stations. Of these, 385 had PS-logging data reaching at least 30 m depth. These data have been used by PEER’s NGA-West projects to determine VS30 (the time-averaged S-wave velocity of the top 30 m of soil) of the TSMIP stations that recorded the 1999 ChiChi earthquake and some of its large aftershocks.
Given the enormous amount of TSMIP strong-motion data from both shallow crustal earthquakes and subduction zone earthquakes, this expanding database will be a valuable resource to the development of ground motion prediction equations as well as the studies of shallow soil effects on surface motion.

Free-field TSMIP stations in Taiwan. The blue circles are drilled stations; the red circles are stations surveyed but not drilled; open circles are stations not yet surveyed. (Kuo et al., Engineering Geology, 2012)
Visit the EGDT website to view and download detailed information about the site investigation at the TSMIP stations, including the instruction on how to obtain these data from EGDT.