2021 PEER TSRP RFP Now Open!

September 22, 2021

Request for Proposal: Solicitation PEER-TSRP 21-01 (Projects) and 21-02 (Workshops) - Now Open

Deadline to submit: 11:59pm (PT) Wednesday, November 1, 2021

transportation imageThe Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center has continuing funding from the State of California related to the seismic performance of transportation systems. This funding supports the Transportation Systems Research Program (TSRP), the purpose of which is to lessen the impacts of earthquakes on the transportation systems of California, including highways and bridges, port facilities, high-speed rail, and airports.

The PEER Research Committee is soliciting proposals for one-year projects related to the regional-scale simulation of networks, and proposals for workshops.

The proposed project or workshops should be aligned with the current TSRP research priorities and vision (http://peer.berkeley.edu/transportation).

More information and detailed submission guidelines