Following an agreement between the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), the First Planning Meeting for NEES/E-Defense Collaboration on Earthquake Engineering Research was held in 2004. This meeting laid the groundwork for a five-year joint research program related to improving understanding and reducing the seismic vulnerability of bridges and steel buildings. To formalize the collaboration, two Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) were executed, one between the NEES Consortium Inc. (NEES Inc.) and the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) of Japan in July 2005, and one between NSF and MEXT in September 2005. These MOUs cover collaborative activities through 2010.
Based on the success of the NEES/E-Defense Collaborative Research Program, and the potential positive impact of continued collabo ation, a Planning Meeting was convened during January 12–13, 2009, to consider a possible second phase. The First Planning Meeting for the Second Phase of the NEES/E-Defense was held at NSF in Arlington, Virginia, in the U.S. The meeting, organized by NSF and NEES Inc. of the U.S. and MEXT and NIED of Japan, was attended by leading researchers from both countries as well as representatives from NSF, MEXT, and other government agencies. Overall, ten participants from Japan and twenty-six participants from the U.S. attended the meeting.
This report contains a summary of the meeting, along with the recommendations and resolutions reached by the participants. The appendices contain the list of participants, the meeting agenda and schedule, the reports of break-out sessions where participants discussed in detail various scientific and engineering challenges that should be addressed during future NEES/E-Defense collaboration, and white papers on various topics prepared by the participants prior to the meeting.
- Appendix C
- GroundMotionSets&Results.ZIP (11 MB)
- (156 MB) - Appendix D
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