OpenSRA User Workshop held January 11, 2023

February 10, 2023

OpenSRA is a new open-source seismic risk assessment software tool for gas utility regulators and owners that will enable them to assess challenges posed by the risk from earthquake-induced hazards. A User Workshop was held on January 11, 2023, at UC Berkeley, and it highlighted the OpenSRA software features with hands-on demonstrations, with the goal of facilitating the use and application of the software.

Jon Bray speaks to OpenSRA workshop audience.

The workshop opened with an introductory overview of the OpenSRA project and research conducted:

  • New methods to assess the risk to buried pipelines from ground displacements due to surface fault rupture, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and ground settlement, and seismic slope displacement.
  • New fragilities for pipe strain due to permanent ground displacements.

Map shows infrastructure network overlain with hazard contour loops in different colors

  • New fragilities for above-ground storage facility infrastructure.
  • New fragilities for gas storage wells and caprocks and includes advanced full-physics numerical modeling developed for this work
  • New computational modeling and laboratory testing of surface infrastructure components and systems.

The overview presentation was followed by several hours in a computer lab, where participants were able to use the software in several hands-on demonstrations led by Slate Geotechnical Consultants.

Software users in computer labThe afternoon ended with a poster session that highlighted the research efforts that were incorporated into OpenSRA.

Respondents to the workshop survey noted that the hands-on demonstration session was relevant to their work. Additional results from the workshop survey will be released in an upcoming project report.

The OpenSRA project, funded by the California Energy Commission, is a multi-year study to develop open-source seismic risk assessment tools for natural gas infrastructure. The OpenSRA team looks forward to publicly releasing the software in 2023 and will continue to engage the stakeholder, practitioner, and research community with this important initiative. Please contact Dr. Jennie Watson-Lamprey ( with inquiries or expressions of interest.