OpenSRA User Workshop 11 January 2023

UC Berkeley, 250 Sutardja Dai Hall


TimePresentation / Presenter
8:30 - 9:00AM Registration and Coffee
9:05 - 9:15AM Welcome (video 1:29) - Jennie Watson-Lamprey
9:15 - 9:30AM OpenSRA Project Introduction (video 18:37) - Jonathan Bray
9:30 - 10:00AM Overview of OpenSRA Tool - Barry Zheng (video 5:42), Stevan Gavrilovic (video 9:55)
10:00 - 10:15AM Break & Transition to Computer Lab
10:15AM - 12:00PM Hands-On Demonstration
12:00 - 1:00PM Lunch in 250 Sutardja Dai Hall
1:00 - 2:00PM Hands-on Demonstration
2:00 - 2:30PM Feedback from Participants, including Survey
2:30 – 2:45PM Break
2:45 - 4:00PM Research Poster Session and Coffee

Research Team Poster Session

"Software Development" - Barry Zheng, Micaela Largent, Stevan Gavrilovic

"Efficient Estimation of Seismic Risk for Distributed Systems" - Maxime Lacour and Norman Abrahamson

"Sensing Technologies" - Sumeet Sinha, Chien-Chih Wang, Kenichi Soga

"Longitudinal Pipe Strain Estimation Model Derived from SSI Analysis" - Daniel Hutabarat, Norman Abrahamson, Jon Bray, Tom O'Rourke, Chris Bain

"Wells and Caprocks Dynamic Shaking" - Keurfon Luu, Preston Jordan, William Foxall, Jonny Rutqvist

"Wells and Caprocks Direct Shearing" - Tsubasa Sasaki, Yingqi Zhang, Preston Jordan, William Foxall, Jonny Rutqvist

"Seismic Behavior of Welded Tee-Joints and Elbows Used in Natural Gas Networks" - Elide Pantoli and Tara Hutchinson

"Piping Subsystem Shake Table Tests" - Sherif Elfass, David McCallen, Suiwen Wu