Task Description – OpenSRA is a desktop application that owners and regulators can use to evaluate the seismic performance of natural gas infrastructure and the potential effectiveness of system upgrades. OpenSRA has the capability to incorporate the Investor Owned Utilities’ (IOUs) proprietary data on their gas infrastructure systems for use with the seismic demands and fragility models developed in this project. The tool provides a user-friendly interface to view results, including risk maps, population overlays, and exposure estimates. Our team has implemented an efficient computational method developed by Norm Abrahamson and Maxime Lacour called Polynomial Chaos. This method greatly reduces computational time with a negligible reduction in accuracy. Overall, the goal of this research program is to synthesize all of the research performed (Fault Displacement, Liquefaction and Landsliding, Wells and Caprocks, and Surficial Infrastructure) with the fragility models developed (Fragility Development) into a program to help regulators and utility owners analyze the risk on the gas infrastructure in California.
In summary, this team:
- Implemented models from the other research teams (Fault Displacement, Liquefaction and Landsliding, Wells and Caprocks, and Surficial Infrastructure);
- Implemented fragility models (Fragility Development)
- Created a user interface to view risk maps, ShakeMaps, and other useful information (topography, etc.)
- Implemented Polynomial Chaos to streamline computation time;
- Led the validation process of OpenSRA;
- Developed and documented a desktop software, OpenSRA.
Lead Investigator: Barry Zheng (Slate Geotechnical Consultants)
Team Members: Norm Abrahamson (University of California, Berkeley), Maxime Lacour (University of California, Berkeley), Jennie Watson-Lamprey (Slate Geotechnical Consultants), Frank McKenna (SimCenter), Sanjay Govindjee (SimCenter), Matt Schoettler (SimCenter), Stevan Gavrilovic (SimCenter), Micaela Largent (Slate Geotechnical Consultants)
Bain, Chris; Thomas O’Rourke; Jonathan Bray; Barry Zheng; Daniel Hutabarat; Scott Lindvall; Preston Jordan; Tsubasa Sasaki; Keurfon Luu; Yingqi Zhang; William Foxall; Jonny Rutqvist; David McCallen; Sherif Elfass; Tara Hutchinson; Elide Pantoli. 2023. Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Assessment Tool for Natural Gas Storage and Pipeline Systems, Validation Report. California Energy Commission. January 2023.
Zheng, Barry; Micaela Largent, Tom Clifford, Jennie Watson-Lamprey. 2023. Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Assessment Tool for Natural Gas Storage and Pipeline Systems, Task 3 - OpenSRA Final Report. California Energy Commission. January 2023.