PEER Reports

PEER Reports

Performance of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Under Bidirectional Earthquake Loading, PEER Report 2003-06

Mahmoud M. Hachem
Stephen A. Mahin
Jack P. Moehle

The behavior of ductile reinforced concrete bridge columns subj ected to cyclic loading has been the subject of extensive research. It is now possible to predict with fair accuracy the strength and deformation capacities of those columns given a variety of parameters that include the section geometry, amounts of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, slenderness ratio, axial load and material strengths. Nonetheless, some areas of uncertainty remain, including the response of such columns when subjected to one or more components of intense earthquake ground motions, and the ability of...

Uncertainty Specification and Propagation for Loss Estimation Using FOSM Method, PEER Report 2003-07

Jack W. Baker
C. Allin Cornell

The estimation of repair costs in future earthquakes is one component of loss estimation currently being developed for use in performance-based engineering. An important component of this calculation is the estimation of total uncertainty in the result, as a result of the many sources of uncertainty in the calculation. Monte Carlo simulation is a simple approach for estimation of this uncertainty, but it is computationally expensive. The procedure proposed in this report uses the first-order second-moment (FOSM) method to collapse several conditional random variables into a single...

A Technical Framework for Probability-Based Demand and Capacity Factor Design (DCFD) Seismic Formats, PEER Report 2003-08

Fatemeh Jalayer
C. Allin Cornell

Demand and capacity factor design (DCFD) is a probability-based load and resistance factor (LRFD)-like format used for performance-based seismic design and assessment of structures. The DCFD format is based on a technical framework that provides a closed-form analytical expression for the mean annual frequency of exceeding (or not exceeding) a structural performance level, which is usually defined as specified structural parameters (e.g., ductility, strength, maximum drift ratio) reaching a structural limit state (e.g., onset of yield, collapse).

This report, which is presented in...

Sequencing Repairs after an Earthquake:An Economic Approach, PEER Report 2003-09

Marco Casar
Simon J. Wilkie

After recent earthquakes in the U.S. and Japan, the rebuilding of the gas, road, and electric power networks that constitute the lifelines infrastructure has shown that large welfare gains can be achieved by reshaping current emergency plans as incentive-compatible contracts with lifelines service providers. This report presents a class of mechanisms for repair works that a disinterested planner without comprehensive information about repair costs could adopt to implement in a preferred location and sequence. Such mechanisms would help to coordinate repair work among firms and set the...

A Beam-Column Joint Model for Simulating the Earthquake Response of Reinforced Concrete Frames, PEER Report 2003-10

Laura N. Lowes
Nilanjan Mitra
Arash Altoontash

Experimental investigation of the earthquake response of reinforced concrete subassemblages indicates that stiffness and strength loss resulting from beam-column joint damage may be substantial. To simulate inelastic joint action, a joint element is developed that is appropriate for use with traditional beam-column elements in two-dimensional nonlinear frame analysis. The proposed element formulation includes four external nodes with a total of 12 external degrees of freedom; however, the element is a super-element and includes four additional internal degrees of freedom. The super-element...

The Fifth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Building Structures, PEER Report 2003-11


Considerable research is under way throughout the world to establish performance-based assessment and design methodology for buildings. Japan and the United States are at the forefront of this research effort, as well as efforts to implement the research results. The U.S.-Japan Cooperative Research in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, sponsored in Japan by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, and in the U.S. by the National Science Foundation, is funding collaborative research in Japan and the U.S. The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center in the U.S. has...

Implementation Manual for the Seismic Protection of Laboratory Contents: Format and Case Studies, PEER Report 2003-12

William T. Holmes
Mary C. Comerio

Previous work at the University of California, Berkeley, identified the presence of a wide variety of equipment, tanks, material storage systems, and experimental setups in campus laboratories (Comerio and Stallmeyer, 2002). Development of a family of details to seismically restrain such contents revealed different physical conditions in the labs of each building that significantly affected the details (Comerio, 2003). In addition, interest in “do-it-yourself” seismic protection of contents generated by the Q-Brace Program on the campus resulted in extensions to the program that sometimes...

Effects of Connection Hysteretic Degradation on the Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames, PEER Report 2003-13

Janise E. Rodgers
Stephen A. Mahin

Fractures observed at the welded beam-column connections in steel moment-resisting frames after recent earthquakes have led structural engineers to investigate the hysteretic behavior of such connections. Extensive research was subsequently performed on connections, and much is now known about their behavior. However, the same cannot be said for the effects of this behavior on overall system response, particularly if degradation occurs in connection strength or stiffness. Some analytical studies have been performed, but experimental data are virtually nonexistent for systems with degrading...

Finite Element Reliability and Sensitivity Methods for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, PEER Report 2003-14

Terje Haukaas
Armen Der Kiureghian

The work in this report is motivated by the performance-based engineering approach advocated by PEER. A comprehensive, object-oriented software framework for finite element sensitivity and reliability analysis is developed. The work builds on the existing software OpenSees.

An essential ingredient in finite element reliability analysis is accurate, consistent and efficient computation of response sensitivities. Using the direct differentiation method, a unified formulation of finite element response sensitivities with respect to material, load and shape parameters is developed and...

Seismic Demands for Non-deteriorating Frame Structures and Their Dependence on Ground Motions, PEER Report 2003-15

Ricardo Medina
Helmut Krawinkler

The objective of this study is to improve the understanding of behavior patterns and the quantification of seismic demands for nondeteriorating regular fr ames subjected to ordinary ground motions. In this study, the term ordinary refers to ground motions that are recorded at distances greater than 13 km from the fault rupture, that do not exhibit pulse-type characteristics, and that are recorded on stiff soil sites. Engineering demand parameters (EDPs) of interest include roof and story drifts, local deformations, absolute floor accelerations and velocities, story shears and...