The Principal Investigator (PI) must be affiliated with one of the following universities: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, Oregon State University, University of Nevada – Reno, and University of Washington. The Co-PI’s or collaborators may be from any public or private institution.
In addition, the investigators must commit to the following:
- Working as part of the overall PEER-Bridge team, and sharing information, data, models, outcomes and ideas needed for other projects,
- Attending at least three meetings per each year of funding: the PEER Annual Meeting (usually held in January), the PEER Researchers’ Workshop (usually held in August), and a PEER-Bridge specific meeting in April or May,
- Submitting a research highlight at the beginning of the project for distribution to the PEER and Caltrans community,
- Writing a PEER report at the end of the project (no later than 3 months after the project completion),
- Along with the PEER report, submitting a two-page high-level summary of the project (“research nuggets”), that summarizes ‘Why’, ‘How’ and ‘What’ of the project along with ‘Who benefits’ (please refer to the guidelines document at,
- In the case of two-year projects, submitting a detailed progress report at the end of the first year, along with a plan for the second year, for review by PEER and Caltrans,
- Making data available to Caltrans and PEER community in an open-source format at the end of the project (allowing for reasonable journal publication requirements by the research team), and
- Acknowledging PEER and Caltrans in all oral presentations and written papers/articles/reports on the project.
It is expected that proposing institutions will waive indirect costs, as is the practice for University of California institutions. Final budgets with campus sponsored projects office approval can be prepared after the initial selection of successful proposals and any negotiated agreement on the scope and preliminary one-page budget.