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Abrahamson, Norm
Adjunct Professor, UCB and UCD.
Prof. Abrahamson is an internationally known expert in seismic hazard and risk analyses with over 30 years of experience in the practical application of engineering seismology.
Allen, Richard
Director, Berkeley Seismology Lab; Professor, UCB. Prof. Richard Allen is an expert in earthquake alerting systems, developing methodologies to detect earthquakes and issue warnings prior to shaking.
Assistant Professor, UCB. Prof. Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos' research focus and expertise is on assessing and mitigating the impact of multi-hazard stressors on geotechnical engineering infrastructure.
Baker, Jack
Associate Professor, Stanford University. Prof. Baker Jack Baker's research focuses on the use of probabilistic and statistical tools for modeling of extreme loads on structures.
Bozorgnia, Yousef
Professor, UCLA. Dr. Yousef Bozorgnia is a professor at both UCLA Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences.
Brandenberg, Scott
Professor, UCLA. Professor Brandenber's research interests include geotechnical earthquake engineering, geophysical imaging, data acquisition and signal processing, and numerical analysis.
Bray, Jonathan
Professor, UCB. Prof. Bray earned engineering degrees from West Point, Stanford, and Berkeley. Dr. Bray is a registered professional civil engineer.
Buckle, Ian
Professor, UNR. Prof. Buckle's research interests include: seismic performance of bridges and structures, tsunami performance of coastal bridges and structures, and earthquake protective systems.
de La Mora, Diego
Graduate Student, UCB. Deigo de la Mora is a student in the Master's degree program at UC Berkeley.
Deierlein, Gregory
J. A. Blume Professor of Engineering, Stanford University. Prof. Deierlein directs the Blume Earthquake Engineering Center at Stanford University. Deierlein previously served as the deputy director for the PEER Center.
DeJong, Matthew
Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley. Matt DeJong is an Assistant Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.
Elgamal, Ahmed
Professor, UCSD. Professor Elgamal is an expert in earthquake engineering and computational geomechanics.
Govindjee, Sanjay
Professor, UCB. Prof. Govindjee is a Professor of Civil Engineering and the Horace, Dorothy, and Katherine Johnson Endowed Professor at the University of California, Berkeley (1993-2006, 2008-present).
Gunay, Selim
Research Scientist, UCB. Dr. Gunay is actively involved in the operation and research activities of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center.
Hutabarat, Daniel
Ph.D Candidate, UCB. Daniel's research interests include the assessment of liquefaction hazard consequences particularly ground subsidence, lateral spreading and flow slides.
Istrati, Denis
Assistant Research Professor, UNR. Dr. Denis Istrati's research interests include tsunami performance of coastal structures, fluid-structure interaction and multi-hazard risk assessment.
Johnson, Bruce
Senior Project Manager, Otak. Bruce Johnson is a Senior Project Manager and Structural Engineer and the State Bridge Engineer in Oregon from 2004 to 2019.
Kanvinde, Amit
Professor, UCD. Prof. Kanvinde is interested in the seismic response and design of steel structures with an emphasis on understanding extreme limit states such as fracture, fatigue, and collapse.
Kasalanati, Amarnath
Associate Director, PEER. Amarnath Kasalanati is the Associate Director at PEER, responsible for coordinating PEER’s research activities, overseeing the lab operations and developing strong industry ties.
Kenawy, Maha
Postdoctoral Scholar, UNR. Dr. Kenawy's research focuses on characterizing the performance of reinforced concrete structures subjected to extreme events, with an emphasis on predicting structural collapse.
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy
Associate Professor, Notre Dame. Tracey Kijewski-Correa’s research focuses on disaster risk reduction and civil infrastructure challenges posed by increased urbanization and vulnerability.
Klemencic, Ron
President, Magnusson Klemencic Associates.
Ron Klemencic oversees 180 engineers and works on hundreds of concurrent projects in nearly every state and 20 foreign nations.
Kodur, Venkatesh
Professor, Michigan State University. Prof. Kodur is a professor in the department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Director of the Center on Structural Fire Safety and Diagnostics at MSU.
Kunnath, Sashi
Professor, UCD. Prof. Kunnath's research focuses on structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, multiple hazards and extreme loading (blast, impact, fire), inelastic modeling of structural systems.
Lee, Jong Sung
Senior Research Scientist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He co-leads the Innovative Software and Data Analysis Division at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).
Liu, Tsu-Jae King
Professor, Dean, UC Berkeley. Dean Tsu-Jae King Liu received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.
Lynett, Patrick
Professor, USC. Prof. Lynett's research interests include coastal processes, such as nearshore circulations, wave evolution, multi-scale hydrodynamic interactions, and sediment transport.
Maffei, Janiele
Chief Mitigation Officer, California Earthquake Authority. Janiele Maffei directs the statewide residential retrofit program and supporting mitigation-related insurance-premium discount for CEA policyholders.
McCallen, David
Professor, UNR. David McCallen is the Director of the Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research at UNR and a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Miller, Daniel
Doctoral Candidate, UCB. Daniel Miller completed his Ph.D. in 2019 and began working as a designer with Degenkolb Engineers. His doctoral research investigated seismic behavior of reinforced concrete arch bridges.
Miranda, Eduardo
Professor, John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center Stanford University. Using Acceleration Sensors to Learn and Improve the Modeling of Damping in Buildings.
Mitrani-Reiser, Judith
Director, EERI. Judith Mitrani-Reiser (M. EERI, 2001) is the Director of the Disaster and Failure Studies Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Mosalam, Khalid
Professor, UCB, PEER Director. Prof. Mosalam is currently Taisei Professor of Civil Engineering, UC Berkeley, Core-PI of TBSI & SinBerBEST, and PEER Director.
Motamed, Ramin
Associate Professor, UNR. Dr. Motamed’s research includes shake table tests on deep and shallow foundations, nonlinear site response analysis modeling, and soil-structure-interaction.
Moustafa, Mohamed
Assistant Professor, UNR. Dr. Moustafa is an Assistant Professor at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Nevada, Reno.
O'Rourke, Thomas
Professor, Cornell University. Prof. O'Rourke is the Thomas R. Briggs Professor of Engineering in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University.
Owen, Susan
Susan Owen, NASA ARIA Project for Natural Hazards. Dr. Owen's research interests include improving GPS data analysis techniques to study the earthquake cycle and volcano deformation.
Prevatt, David
Professor, University of Florida. Prof. Prevatt specializes in Wind Engineering, wind uplift performance and structural load paths in low-rise buildings, building envelope investigation repairs and renovations.
Rabinovici, Sharyl
Principal Consultant, Sharyl Rabinovici Consulting. Sharyl Rabinovici is a researcher and policy entrepreneur in the natural disaster risk reduction space.
Reis, Evan
Executive Director, US Resiliency Council. Evan Reis works with public and private organizations to promote resilience and improve the performance of our nation’s infrastructure in natural disasters.
Rodgers, Arthur
Seismologist, LLNL. Arthur Rodgers' research insterests include computational seismology, earthquake and explosion ground motion simulation, seismoacoustics, explosion yield estimation.
Roueche, David
Assistant Professor, Auburn University. David Roueche's research includes extreme wind loads on low-rise buildings, post-disaster field investigations, and performance-based wind engineering.
Ryan, Keri
Associate Professor, UNR. Associate Professor, UNR. Prof. Ryan specializes in earthquake engineering and protective systems for high seismic performance, with application to buildings and bridges.
Saiidi, M. Saiid
Foundation Professor, UNR. Prof. Saiidi is a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno, Director of Center for Advanced Technology in Bridges and Infrastructure.
Scawthorn, Charles
Visting Scholar, PEER. Charles Scawthorn is an internationally recognized authority for the analysis and mitigation of natural and technological hazards.
Scott, Michael
Professor, OSU. Prof. Scott's research interests include nonlinear structural analysis and dynamics, structural response, object-oriented software design, and fluid-structure interaction.
Shantz, Tom
Research Engineer, Caltrans. Tom Shantz is a senior research engineer for Caltrans, Division of Research, Innovation, and System Information.
Sitar, Nicholas
Professor, UCB. Prof. Sitar's research expertise includes geotechnical earthquake engineering, wireless sensors, seismic earth pressure, geotechnical engineering, geological engineering.
Stanton, John
Professor, UW. Prof. Stanton has an undergraduate degree from Cambridge University (UK) and graduate degrees from Cornell and UC Berkeley.
Stojadinović, Božidar
Prof. Stojadinović is the Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich.
Strong, Brian
Director and Chief Resilience Officer, Office of Resilience and Capital Planning. Brian Strong is responsible for the City’s ten-year Capital Plan, its Capital Budget, and the implementation of the Resilient SF strategic vision.
Taciroglu, Ertugrul
Professor, UCLA. Prof. Ertugrul Taciroglu earned a Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1998 and after post-doctoral work, joined UCLA in 2001.
Teng, Henry
Mechanical Engineer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Henry Teng is currently a mechanical engineer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Van Bibber, Karl
Associate Dean, Research, UCB. Prof. Karl Van Bibber's research focuses on basic and applied nuclear science, particle astrophysics, and accelerator science and technology.
Walters, Mason
Senior Principal, Forell/Elsesser Engineers. Mason Walters is a Senior Principal and the Technical Director at Forell/Elsesser.
Welch, David
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Stanford University. David Welch is part of a multi-university PEER-CEA project to quantify the seismic performance of retrofit of cripple walls and sill anchorage in single family dwellings.
Zareian, Farzin
Associate Professor, UC Irvine. Dr. Zareian’s research includes analytical and experimental studies in Structural and Earthquake Engineering with emphasis on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering.