2025 PEER Annual Meeting

Registration is now open for the 2025 PEER Annual Meeting which will be held March 25-26, 2025, in the Banatao Auditorium on the UC Berkeley campus. The meeting will feature PEER research in the fields of performance-based engineering and resilience, with focus on buildings and infrastructure subjected to various geohazards, tsunami and fire. In addition, sessions will be formatted for more detailed discussion and engagement to identify areas where research and development are needed. Decision-making stakeholders, practicing professionals, researchers, faculty, students and others interested in performance-based engineering are encouraged to attend.

Registration fees:

  • Faculty / General / Community - Regular $400
  • Student (Core Institution and Educational Affiliates) - Regular $100
  • Student (Non-Core and Non Educational Affiliates) - Regular $150


Day 1: Tuesday, March 25

8:30 –10:00am

SESSION 1: Major Projects
Moderator - Khalid Mosalam, PEER, UCB

  • Opening Remarks by PEER Director, Khalid Mosalam, PEER, UCB
  • PEER-LBNL Simulated Ground-Motion Database, David McCallen, LBNL
  • Next Generation Liquefaction Susceptibility Database and Modelling, Jonathan Stewart, UCLA
  • Next Generation PEER Structures Performance Database, Marc Eberhard, UW
  • Bridge Rapid Assessment Center for Extreme Events (BRACE2), Khalid Mosalam, UCB
10:00 -10:30am BREAK
10:30 – 12:00pm

SESSION 2: PEER-Bridge Projects

  • Overview of PEER-Bridge Program, Chris Traina, Caltrans
  • Hazard-Based Risk and Cost-Benefit Assessment of Temporary Bridges in California, Floriana Petrone, UNR
  • Remaining Fatigue Life Assessment of Bridge Decks Based upon a Numerical-experimental SYSCOM SYStem-COmponent-Material-based Approach, Alessandro Palermo, UCSD
  • Research Update: Caltrans Risk-Based Seismic Design (CT-RBSD) for Bridges, Farzin Zaraian, UCI
  • New Near-Fault Adjustment Factors for Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (SDC), Silvia Mazzoni, UCLA
12:00 – 1:30pm LUNCH
1:30 – 3:00pm

SESSION 3: Geo Hazards

  • Normalized Shear Modulus and Material Damping Models for Transitional Silts with Application to the Pacific Northwest, Armin Stuedlein, OSU
  • Influence of Fines and Alternative Intensity Measures on Liquefaction Triggering, Scott Brandenberg, UCLA
  • Mechanics-Informed Machine Learning for Geospatial Modeling of Soil Liquefaction: Global and National Surrogate Models for Simulation and Near-Real-Time Response, Brett Maurer, UW
  • Application of Liquefaction Susceptibility Criteria within a Logic Tree Framework, Jonathan Stewart and Arda Sahin, UCLA
3:00 – 3:30pm


3:30 – 5:00pm

SESSION 4: Regional-Scale Simulation

  • Regional Highway Bridge Damage Analysis Using Surrogate Models: A Case Study of the Bay Area, Greg Deierlein and Carmen Andrade, Stanford
  • Prediction of key Bridge Characteristics Using Machine Learning, Marc Eberhard and Julia Lensing, UW
  • Functional Recovery of Bridge Networks: Framework Development and Implementation, Henry Burton, UCLA
  • Bridge Asset Management in Seismic Areas: Addressing Climate Uncertainty at System and Network Scales, Eyitayo Opabola, UCB

Day 2: Wednesday, March 26

8:30 – 10:00am
Session 5: Experimental Work
Moderator - Amarnath Kasalanati, PEER

  • TSRP & PEER-Bridge Projects Overview, Amarnath Kasalanati, PEER
  • Experimental Evaluation of Springs and Yielding Steel Elements for 3D Isolation, Ian Aiken, SIE
  • Evaluation of the Effects of Bidirectional Earthquake Shaking on Nonlinear Soil Response Using Large-Scale Laminar Soil Box Tests on Bi-axial Shake Table, Satish Manandhar and Ramin Motamed, UNR
  • Friction-based Force-limiting Connections for Buildings with Nonlinear Inelastic Flexural or Rocking Base Mechanism and Reduced Seismic Response Magnitude and Variability, Georgios Tsampras, UCSD
  • Blind Prediction Contests, Khalid Mosalam, UCB
10:00 - 10:30am BREAK
10:30 – 12:00pm

Session 6: Other Hazards

  • Isolating the Primary Drivers of Fire Risk to Structures in California, Michael Gollner, UCB
  • Development of a Performance-Based Multihazard Engineering (PBME) Framework Consistent with Existing Single-hazard PBE Frameworks, Michele Barbato, UCD
  • Regional Simulations of Three-Dimensional Rainfall-Induced Landslides: The example of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Mirna Kassem, UCB
  • Precise Tsunami Profiling and Accurate Early Warning via a network of Self-Powered Sailboat Drones, Reza Alam, UCB
12:00 – 1:30pm LUNCH
1:30 – 3:00pm

Session 7: Sensors & SHM UNR

  • System-wide Instrumentation of UC Campuses, Evan Reis, Safehub
  • Advancing Methods for Structural Identification and Monitoring: Bayesian Model Updating Framework for Simultaneous Parameter, Input, and Noise Estimation, Hamed Ebrahimian and Abdelrahman Taha, UNR
  • Monitoring Bridge Performance Under Vehicle Loading with Dynamic Fiber Optic Strain Sensing, Matt DeJong and Rodrigo Tapia, UCB
  • Development of Autonomous Drone Inspection for Bridge Maintenance, Raja Sengupta, UCB
3:00 – 3:30pm BREAK
3:30 – 5:00pm

Session 8: Simulation Tools
Moderator - Khalid Mosalam, PEER, UCB

  • SCEC Community Earth Model and the CyberShake Simulation Platform, Yehuda Ben-Zion, SCEC
  • Stochastic Simulator-based Uncertainty Quantification for Seismic Responses of Bridges, Ziqi Wang, Jungho Kim, UCB
  • Engineering Analysis Toolbox, The Real-ESSI Simulator System, Boris Jeremic, UCD
  • Simulating Earthquake and Tsunami Impacts on Open-Type Wharf Structures,  Andre Barbosa and Jorge Romero-Loyola, OSU
  • Open Discussion & Closing Remarks