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PEER 2019 Annual Meeting
Present & Poster Session Info
2019 PEER Annual Meeting Poster Presentation
2019 PEER Annual Meeting Poster Presentation
Poster Title
Gitanjali Bhattacharjee
Learning to Manage Bridges Subject to Seismic Hazard Using a Deep Q-network
Stanford University
Long Chen
Implementation and Validation of PM4Sand in OpenSees
University of Washington
Peng-Yu Chen
Development of a Regional Performance-Based Seismic Toolbox for Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles
Jade Cohen
Resolution of Non-Convergence Issues in Seismic Response Analysis of Bridges
UC Berkeley
Wael Elhaddad NHERI
NHERI SimCenter: Cloud-enabled research applications for Earthquake Engineering
UC Berkeley
Yuqing Gao
PHI Challenge
UC Berkeley
Carlos Garcia
CEO: Convert ETABS to Opensees - A Tool for Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Earthquakes
Cal State University Fullerton
Michael Gardner
NHERI SimCenter: Educational Tools for Earthquake Engineering
NHERI SimCenter at UC Berkeley
Mertcan Geyin
Liquefaction Occurrence and Consequence: Lessons and Products Recently Emerging from the 2010-2016 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquakes
University of Washington
Daniel Hutabarat
Prediction of Liquefaction Surface Manifestation on Silty Soil Site
UC Berkeley
Milad Jahed Orang
Large-Scale Shake Table Test on a Shallow Foundation in Liquefied Soils
University of Nevada, Reno
Kamiar Kalbasi Anaraki
Investigation of Optimum Frame to Decrease Torsion Effects in Wood Soft Story (WSS) using Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) Method
Degenkolb Engineers/Cal State University Fullerton
Kamiar Kalbasi Anaraki
3-D OpenSees Model for Simulation of Shear-Flexural Interaction in RC Walls
Cal State University Fullerton
Maha Kenawy
Nonlocal Computational Framework for Simulating Collapse in Reinforced Concrete Structures under Earthquake Loading
UC Davis
Miki Komatsu
City-scale Modeling of Traffic and Pipeline Networks using High-Performance Computers
UC Berkeley
Jinchi Lu
A Systematic Computational Framework for Multi-Span Bridge PBEE Applications
UC San Diego
Walker Maddalozzo
Post-earthquake Fire Performance of Industrial Facilities
Oregon State University
Nasser Marafi
Impacts of M9 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake on Reinforced Concrete Core Wall Structures in Deep Sedimentary Basins
University of Washington
Amory Martin
Topology Optimization of Rocking Braced Frames for Nonlinear Earthquake Response
Stanford University
Millard McElwee
Simulation Frameworks For Assessing Community Resilience Under Natural Hazards
UC Berkeley
Xiaofeng Meng
Fully Nonergodic Ground Motion Models in Central California Using NGA-West2 and SCEC CyberShake Datasets
Southern California Earthquake Center
Rushil Mojidra
Influence of Vertical Ground Shaking on Design of Bridges Isolated with Friction Pendulum Bearings
University of Nevada, Reno
Sifat Muin
Structural Health Monitoring Framework using Acceleration Data and Machine Learning
UC Berkeley
Iason Pelekis
Centrifuge Testing of Buildings Rocking on Loose Sand
UC Berkeley & Cambridge
Han Peng
Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment Frames with a Damage-Controllable Mechanical Hinge Beam-to-Column Connection
Harbin Institute of Technology
Albert Qu
Laser-Based Settlement Measurement of Bridges for Improved Decision Making
UC Berkeley
Behzad Rafezy
Post-Northridge Special Moment Frame Testing
SidePlate Systems, Inc
Sergio Reyes
Vertical Rocking Isolation System using Simply Supported Devices with Uplift Allowed for Low-mass Industrial Structures
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Andrew Sen
ASCE-41 Evaluation of a Reinforced-Concrete Building Damaged in the 2016 Meinong Earthquake
University of Washington
Benshun Shao
Achieving Targeted Levels of Reliability for Seismically Isolated Structures
UC Berkeley & Arup,SF
Rodrigo Silva Lopez
Modeling Bay Area Transportation Network Resilience
Stanford University
Yukio Tamari
Class B Prediction of Spread Foundation Settlements in Large-scale Liquefaction Shaking Table Experiment
Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd
Negin Tauberg
Collapse Assessment of Ductile Coupled Walls
UC Los Angeles
Henry Teng
Laser-Based Settlement Measurement of Bridges for Improved Decision Making
UC Berkeley
Agam Tomar
End-to-End Simulation Model for Seismic Risk and Resilience Assessment of Water Distribution Systems
UC Los Angeles
Charles Wang
NHERI SimCenter: Vision & Collaboration
UC Berkeley
Sarah Wichman
Investigation of the Short-Period Paradox for Steel Special Concentrically Braced Frame Buildings
University of Washington
Zhengxiang Yi
Uncertainty Propagation in the Seismic Collapse Risk for Single-Family Wood-frame Residences
UC Los Angeles
Qiuhong Zhao
Seismic Analysis on Deep Water Bridge Piers Considering Water-structure Interaction
Tianjin University, China
Chuanbin Zhu
Which is Better as Site Parameter to Characterize Long-period Ground Motion, Site Depth or Period?
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Adam Zsarnóczay
NHERI SimCenter: Regional Hazard Workflow
Stanford University